Call of Duty in-game settings
If you want to improve your gameplay in Call of Duty Warzone and Modern Warfare, the best place to start is with your settings. Optimizing your PC settings for COD brings you closer to winning.
In FPS games like Call of Duty Warzone it’s important that you clear vision of your enemy as much as possible, that’s why it’s highly recommended to tweak the in-game graphics settings in order to get the best visibility and performance available.
When we look at the GFX settings in the options menu, the following settings should be either reduced or turned off.
Custom Frame Rate - Unlimited
This will make sure your GPU is spitting out as many frames as possible for the most fluent experience.
Depth of Field - OFF
This simulates a camera lens effect which creates a blurry effect on the surrounding when your scope isn’t focused on it. This makes spotting enemies on the edge of your screen harder than it should be so turn it off.
Ambient Occlusion - OFF
Ambient occlusion is an advanced lightning effect which makes lightning and shadows more dynamic, the effect is that dark areas are even darker and bright areas are brighter. This makes enemies harder to spot in dark areas as the surrounding is darker than when turned OFF.
Anti-Aliasing / Screen Space Reflection - OFF
AA makes edges more refined, turning it off however makes the game a bit sharper and improves your overall visibility.
Filmic Strength / Grain - 0.00
When you are playing your ace game you don’t want any film grain obstructing your vision.
World Motion / Weapon Motion Blur - Disabled
When fast swiping your mouse you don’t want a blurry filter obstructing your vision making it harder to see enemies, so disable it.